
Main Topic: give the green light

本日主題: 准許、許可 (請看內文,會更清楚喔!!!)


"Give the green light" means to give permission for someone to do something or for something to happen. When your wife gives the green light for your KTV party, you can feel free to hang out with you friends. 

"Give the green light" 的意思是允許某人去做某事或者是允許某事發生。當你太太對於你要去唱卡拉OK的活動gives the green light, 你便可以安心的去和朋友歡唱了。 

To comprehend "give the green light", we should start with the image itself. In the traffic, after we see the green light and then we put our foot on the paddle. Thus, we use "give the green light" to mean "say YES" for someone to do something. Please check picture.1


了解"give the green light",我們要從影像開始。 當你在開車的時候, 在我們看到綠燈後,才可以準備踩油門。因此,我們以"give the green light" 去描述 "say YES" 好讓某人可以去做某事。 Please check picture.1

Picture.1 give the green light

Situations you can use "give the green light"

1. We are all waiting for our manager to give the green light before we announce our latest technique which is successfully developed.


1. 我們都在等待主管give the green light,我們才會宣布最新的技術成功的被開發。


2. I am given the green light so I can build a villa on this land.


2. 我已經given the green light,所以我可以蓋一座別墅在這片土地上


3. My mom gives the green light for us to go to the new year party in Taipei 101.


3. 我媽媽對於我們要去台北101加跨年派對gives the green light


4. My cousin gives the green light for me to put on his fashionable jacket to the dancing party next week.


4. 我表哥gives the green light,讓我可以穿上他那件非常好看的外套到下星期的舞會上

5. If my boss gives the green light for us to set a coffee brewer in the office, our office will be filled with coffee aroma which is really nice.


5.  如果我的老闆gives the green light讓我們可以在辦公室裡設置咖啡機,我們的辦公室將會充滿咖啡香,那真是太棒了

No Chinese Interference- give the green light